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English to Sinhala Translation (Thesaurus) app allows you to find Sinhala synonyms (words of same meaning) to particular English word(s). To use the app begin typing a word in the text box until it appears in the list of words below the text box. Then simply click on the desired word to view its Sinhala equivalence (single or several words). The app functions more like a English to Sinhala Thesaurus (ඉංග්‍රීසි සිංහල පර්යාය කෝෂය) rather than a English to Sinhala Dictionary (ඉංග්‍රීසි සිංහල ශබ්ද කෝෂය) or English to Sinhala Translator (ඉංග්‍රීසි සිංහල පරිවර්තකය). The database contains approximately 50,000 English words as well as their Sinhala translations.

NB: It is recommended that the users carefully evaluate the accuracy of the information generated in the apps and exercise their own skill and care with respect to their use.

System Requirements: Internet browsers with CSS3 support is recommended. Including: Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+(partial support) 22+ (full support), Safari 4+, Opera 15+, iOS Safari 4.1+, Android Browser 2.3+, Chrome for Android 51+, IE Mobile 10+, UC Browser for Android 9.9+, Samsung Internet 4+. Older browsers only have partial functionality.

Android app Installs: Android 4.1+

The database in Sinhala to English Word Translator is based on English-Sinhala-Dictionary (GPL v3)

Version: 1.0

Copyright (c) Altec Services All rights reserved.

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